How We Can Help
Moyer Associates Inc. is a professional organization engaged in the planning and design of facilities for all levels of government in North America and abroad. These activities include programming to determine facility needs as well as participation in subsequent phases of architectural services. The range of facilities planned and designed include single use structures extending through multi-use complexes.
- Facility Evaluations
- Needs Assessments
- Masterplanning
- Design
- Security Systems
- Interiors
- Partnering
Headquartered in the Chicago area, offices are established in project locations through professional affiliations. Moyer staff bring diverse planning, programming, architectural, interiors, security and systems technology backgrounds that are applied to judicial, public safety, educational, civic and other facility types that can benefit from our background. The philosophy that guides the delivery of professional services calls for a close collaboration between client representatives and the entire professional team at all stages of project development and the advancement of the state-of-the-art with each project that we do.
Project Locations
Moyer Associates Worldwide Project Locations

Experience Timeline
Moyer Associates Experience Timeline – represents over 49 years of collaboration with client agency representatives and professional team members to assess current and projected needs, evaluate existing facilities, apply recognized standards, and develop solutions that are environmentally responsible, cost-effective and sensitive to their context.
The chart below provides an overview of our experience. Each new project has provided the opportunity to apply the learning that we have acquired from the projects that preceded it, and each new project has afforded the opportunity to further advance the tools, techniques and procedures that we use to meet the needs of our client.

Moyer Associates Project Examples and Highlights

City Hall, Police and Municipal Court Facility
Altus, Oklahoma
Moyer Associates Inc. was selected by the City of Altus, Oklahoma together with local architects and engineers to design a New Municipal Complex housing municipal offices and the Police Department. Professional services included the development of materials and public presentations in support of a bond referendum to fund the project. The bond referendum passed by a three to one margin. Services also included a comprehensive facility needs assessment for all city functions. Design work for the City and Police complex was followed by successful bidding, exactly within the City’s budget.
Site planning was developed to respect and allow restoration of an abandoned but historic train depot facility, making it a focal element for the complex and giving it a new role in the community. Moyer designed the building floor plans, exterior appearance, and specialized Police components.

City Hall - Police - Municipal Court Facility
Milan, Illinois
Moyer Associates Inc. served as the program and Design Architect for this project, preparing the facility needs assessment for a new Police and Village Administration Municipal Building for the Village of Milan, followed by development of the Site Masterplan and Schematic Design including the design of the floor plans and exterior elevations. Work also included Moyer Associates Inc. documentation of security systems and equipment and security construction detailing. The building is sited to provide a strong visual identity for the government center, including a corner-located water feature.
Masterplanning and building design anticipated the future needs of the community and the development of the municipal complex area. Needed separations of police vehicles from public, and separation of prisoner intake and staff operations from public circulation were accomplished and the project was accomplished within its budget.

City Hall, Police & Municipal Court Facility
Newark, Delaware
Moyer Associates was selected by the City of Newark, with a locally-based architectural firm, after a national search and selection process for the design of the new Newark Police Facility. The first phase involved the review and refinement of a previously prepared program. Adjustments were made to keep the project within the City's budget, while other refinements were introduced to better meet municipal administrative, police department and municipal court needs. The second phase involved the preparation of the Schematic Design drawings, models, rendering and cost estimate. This was followed by full architectural services and construction completion, on time and within budget.

The design is responsive to City operational needs within a very constricted site opportunity. In order to accomplish this, each step in the evolution of the project design concept was developed at the Municipal and Police Department offices, working in close collaboration with the Chief of Police and his staff as well as other City officials. The project was bid substantially under the cost level that the City expected. Construction was completed on schedule and the new facility has become a model for many other law enforcement jurisdictions.

City Hall - Police-Municipal Court Complex
Maryland Heights, Missouri
Moyer Associates Inc. was selected by the City of Maryland Heights, Missouri together with local architects and engineers to design a New Municipal Complex housing municipal offices, the Police Department and Municipal Court. This assignment followed the abandonment of a previously designed facility that was found to be beyond the City's budget and the termination of the design team associated with it. The new design met all of the City's program and budget targets by developing a compact, efficient grouping of the facility components. Intensive planning sessions were held with City staff throughout the process to confirm user needs and elicit feedback to design solutions.
The project was designed for LEED certification with interior materials design and selection by Moyer Associates Inc. Construction has been completed and the transition to occupancy accomplished.

City of Perrysburg City Hall, Police & Courts Complex
Perrysburg, Ohio
Moyer Associates Inc. was selected by the City of Perrysburg to work with a local architect in developing the planning, programming and design for needed Police and Municipal facilities. The scope of the work included the evaluation of existing facilities and analyzing their potential for reuse and expansion. Alternatively, the costs associated with new construction were compared as a part of the overall consideration of options.
Particular attention to the site context and the architectural character of the buildings in the surrounding area were important components in the study. Following architectural space programming, and its approval by local officials, Moyer Associates developed the facility design and provided professional services throughout the construction and occupancy phases.

City Hall and Police Facility
Morris, Illinois
Moyer Associates Inc. was selected as a part of a team by the City of Morris, Illinois to develop a Facility Needs Assessment, Site Alternatives Evaluation, Facility Masterplan, and full Architectural Services for a new Municipal Services and Police Facility Complex in downtown Morris. In addition to functional and space programming, Moyer’s work included the design of the building floor plans and exterior elevations, as well as all specialized components serving Police needs.

The work included the evaluation of an existing Bank facility to determine its feasibility to meet City needs for this project. It was found to offer a very unsuitable alternative. Space Programming, followed by Schematic Design and Design Development were completed as well as Construction Documents for the project on a City-owned site that offered excellent visibility and public access. All components, including a potential Regional Communications Center, were planned and designed to allow for projected future growth in activity volume and personnel workstations. In addition, the Community Policing operational strategy embraced by the Morris Police Department is brought into the facility design concept.

Village Hall-Police-Fire Municipal Complex
Plymouth Township, Michigan
This project began with a comprehensive review of functional and space needs for all municipal Administration departments, as well as Police and Fire operations. Site masterplanning followed and the various options were reviewed with a Project Advisory Committee as well as a citizen's groups at regular intervals. As a result the recommended option, had input from a wide array of interests and it responded successfully to diverse concerns. A fast-track schedule was maintained for the production of design and construction documents and the project construction was completed on time and within budget. The Village Hall design concept features a central two-story atrium with a "Services Center" where the offices having the greatest public traffic are grouped for convenient public access. The new complex brings all municipal services together in one location, vacating their previous inadequate and diverse locations. The Fire component of the project was designed and constructed as a separate building on the site.

Clinton County Courthouse
Clinton, IA
In Clinton County, Iowa, with all County administrative functions as well as District Court operations housed within an historic but functionally obsolete Courthouse, Moyer Associates has developed a comprehensive space needs analysis and cost-effective strategy for meeting facility needs. The County purchased a recently vacated commercial office building which will be converted into a County Administration Building.
The existing Courthouse, within this plan, is rededicated to Court use and previous court space shortages are met by reallocating the vacated administrative space. Two additional courtrooms are also achieved.

New Justice Center, State of Delaware
Wilmington, Delaware
Moyer Associates, Inc. was a member of the first-ranked team in a competitive design-build submittal for a new Justice Center for the State of Delaware. Included in the scope of the proposal was the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery, Superior Court, Family Court, Court of Common Pleas, Municipal Court, and Justice of the Peace Courts.
The proposal explored the conservation and reuse of an exquisite historic old Courthouse on the main public square in downtown Wilmington.
The proposed scheme preserves and restores the old Courthouse, using it for entry, office and ceremonial functions, while constructing a complimentary new courts tower addition behind it. A construction sequencing plan minimizes noise and disruption during construction.

Regional Court Facility Prototype
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Moyer Associates Inc. worked with Saudi architects and engineers to develop the programming, masterplanning and design for new justice facilities at multiple locations throughout the Kingdom. The collaboration extended over several years due to the complexity and size of the undertaking, and the graphic depiction that appears here is only one of several conceptual approaches that were developed. The final outcome is restricted information. Moyer was responsible for bringing advanced practices approaches for justice facilities planning and design into the process, as well as providing technical information regarding the availability, suitability and appropriate application of security systems and equipment. As in all work undertaken by Moyer, security features are incorporated in an unobtrusive manner and design elements are brought together to create an expression and atmosphere that is in keeping with the goals of functions being housed.

Lansing Council Chambers, Police, Fire and Municipal Court Facility
Lansing, Illinois
Moyer Associates served as prime Architect for this new 28,000 square-foot building housing court, law enforcement, and fire fighting services in a modern suburban setting near Chicago. The project was developed within stringent budget constraints as a part of a TIF district development undertaking and was bid right on its targeted cost.
The completed facility serves as a model for other jurisdictions in its region, demonstrating the successful co-location of public safety functions in a manner which provides each with a distinct identity while achieving cost benefits from shared support components.
Services included programming and complete architectural/engineering services including construction administration.

Children's Court Center, Milwaukee County
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Moyer Associates developed the Functional and Space programming for all operations of the Children's Court, with related support facilities, as well as Juvenile Detention for this major metropolitan County jurisdiction.
The work included the evaluation of an existing thirty year old court and detention structure with the identification of its problems as well as potential solutions. The scope includes approximately 200,000 square feet of occupiable area.
Following Programming and Masterplanning, Moyer Associates developed the Schematic design, Design Development and Security documents phases.

New Supreme Court - Criminal Term
City of New York
New 650,000 square-foot, 53 court set facility in lower Manhattan which incorporates state-of-the-art court planning and design concepts as well as courts technology. This is the largest and most significant courts project in the City of New York and, quite possibly, in the country. It will serve as an anchor for the Courts District and set the tone for further development in the area.
Moyer Associates was selected as prime Consultant for all programming work, including the development of space standards, blocking and stacking arrangements, cost estimating, typical component layouts, and definition of interior finish requirements.

White Plains Public Safety Building
White Plains, New York
Recipient of numerous awards at County, regional and national levels, this 120,000 square-foot, five-level facility combines courts, police and public service functions within a single structure in its urban downtown location. The project anchors the civic core of downtown White Plains and sets the standard for future development in a community which maintains high standards in all of its initiatives.
Public functions are located for their easy identification and accessibility by the public, while law enforcement, prisoner movement and other components involving security are separated both physically and visually.

Programming and design services were provided by Moyer Associates, including development of the design concept, adjacency and circulation requirements, and security systems integration. Courtroom design incorporates research findings from work conducted for the US Department of Justice.

Government & Courts Space Needs and Facility Masterplan
City of Omaha and Douglas County, Nebraska
This project involves the Circuit Court, District Court, Conciliation Court and Municipal Court which, with all jurisdictions, presented an existing thirty-one different courtrooms plus court related support space. Also involved are all government offices serving Douglas County and the City of Omaha. With a total existing occupancy of over 600,000 square feet, Moyer Associates Inc. was retained to conduct an evaluation of existing space adequacy in the Douglas County Hall of Justice and adjacent but separate high-rise Civic Center office building. Project methodology included the administration of a survey questionnaire to the more than one hundred and forty units involved and individual interviews with supervisory and line personnel. Overall consulting services include the definition of space and facility needs in all areas on a current and projected basis. Also involved is the preparation of a Strategic Facilities Masterplan which establishes a blueprint for the most effective and efficient use of existing facility resources together with a phased expansion plan which groups components according to proximity needs, organizes public circulation and access, and anticipates future facility requirements with an orderly expansion plan. Among the many important issues are the conservation of the exquisite historic features of the existing Courthouse while integrating contemporary security requirements in an unobtrusive manner.

Champaign County Courthouse
Urbana, Illinois
Following a national search, Moyer Associates was contracted with a local Architect to develop a needs assessment, analysis of facility masterplan options and design for Court Facilities in Champaign County. The project involved approximately 150,000 square feet of court and court-related functions. The context included an historic but functionally obsolete existing Courthouse. The completed expansion provides for 11 new courtrooms and judicial support within new construction, with court-related offices in the old Courthouse.
All floors are connected at the same level and state-of-the-art security features are provided for the entire complex. The historic Courthouse is conserved and the new construction relates to its materials and forms.

Family Court Center
Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Moyer Associates initially developed the Functional and Space programming for all operations of the Family Court, with related support facilities, as well as Juvenile Detention for this major metropolitan County jurisdiction. The work included the evaluation of an existing thirty year old court and detention structure with the identification of its problems as well as potential solutions. The scope includes approximately 200,000 square feet of occupiable area. Following Programming and Masterplanning, Moyer Associates developed the Schematic design, Design Development, Construction Documents and Security systems and security equipment requirements. Responding to an overcrowded and outdated existing facility the masterplan increases the square footage by 57 per cent, expanding from 116,000 gsf to 182,000 gsf.

Federal Courthouse Renovation/Expansion
Bismarck, North Dakota
This project involved the expansion of the courts occupancy into space vacated by the U.S. Postal Service, achieving a new Bankruptcy and Magistrates Court, and new and expanded Judicial support space of various kinds. Existing security deficiencies are remedied with the introduction of a new security elevator for prisoner movements, a new secure garage sallyport, and upgraded facilities for the U.S. Marshal’s Service.
New offices are also provided for Probation, Court Clerk functions and other related needs. Completing the project scope, a new public entrance lobby is constructed and the use of forms and materials are brought together to establish an appropriate image and expression of the judicial functions accommodated within this facility.

36th District Court Madison Center Courthouse
City of Detroit, Michigan
This project involved the expansion and renovation of an existing downtown-located Courthouse to respond to dramatic increases in court activity and the addition of eleven new judges since the time of original construction. Also involved was the development of a new Police Intake processing center, within the vertical expansion, to allow the closing of existing sub-standard and overcrowded Police precinct stations.
Included in the Courthouse expansion is the addition of eleven courtrooms as well as increased space for court support offices in every operational area. This includes District Court office space, Probation, Secure Victim-Family-Witness rooms, Problem Solving Court Functions, Records storage, Booking and Pre-Arraignment Holding, increased Judge's parking, Police officer work area, public Cafe, and needed judicial chambers and related support.

All expansion and renovation improvements are designed to allow uninterrupted continued court operations throughout the construction implementation period.

Courthouse Renovation
Jasper, Indiana
This Courthouse built in 1906 for a cost of $67,000 contains much historic character and charm. However the requirements of a modern justice system and accompanying county offices made the current facility configuration obsolete. Despite numerous alterations including both vertical and horizontal subdivision of the original courtroom space, the building still fell short of compliance with modern life safety codes, accessibility requirements and security needs. Moyer Associates was retained to develop a comprehensive space needs assessment and a facility masterplan for the courthouse and a nearby annex facility. Two masterplan schemes were developed showing how the landmark facility could continue to serve a growing complexity of occupants, meet code and security needs and still retain its historic character.

Circuit Court Facility
City of Madison & Dane County, Wisconsin
Following a national search, Moyer Associates was contracted to develop a needs assessment for the Circuit Court operations in Dane County, Wisconsin, as well as all County offices housed in an existing City-County Building in downtown Madison. The scope of this work involved the evaluation of the existing thirty year old City-County Building, housing both the Courts as well as administrative offices of the City of Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin. The ability for this facility to be renovated and expanded to meet defined needs was explored. As the foundation for this activity, Moyer Associates prepared a detailed Functional and Space Program incorporating the definition of need on both a current and projected basis.

District of Columbia, Superior Court
Washington, D.C.
This new facility is comprised of 31 trial court sets, which were developed following a prior six-month testing of a full-scale model courtroom under trial conditions. The model courtroom was constructed in order to test advanced planning and design concepts. Individual participants (Judges, jury, witnesses, attorneys, spectators), were surveyed in terms of their satisfaction with design features after their participation in proceedings conducted in the full-scale model. Resultant research recommendations for lighting, sightlines, acoustics, security and other characteristics were documented and subsequently published by the U.S. Department of Justice and distributed nationally.

Courthouse Modernization
Monroe County Bloomington, Indiana
Following programming and space needs analysis for all court and government functions in Monroe County, Indiana, masterplanning options were prepared to assess the different means by which these needs might be met. In this instance, the existing Courthouse was found incapable of being renovated to meet needed features for court operations today, not to mention an inability to deliver needed space requirements. In recognition of its historic status and importance in the community. A scheme was devised in which the existing structure was conserved and County government functions could be successfully located in the existing space, with courts components moving out of the building. The court operations became a part of a new Monroe County Justice Center which was designed by the same team and constructed a short distance away within the downtown area.

56th District Courthouse
Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan
Moyer Associates Inc. participated in an architectural/engineering team charged with determining the feasibility of meeting current and projected court needs within an historic but dysfunctional courthouse structure. In addition to space deficiencies, the existing structure lacked the ability to separate public circulation from judicial and prisoner circulations. Further, all applicable contemporary fire and life safety codes were violated in the existing building.
The team determined the means by which these various shortcomings could be resolved without detriment to the historic features of the courthouse and, in fact, the qualities of its original exquisite character. Included was the finding that new prisoner elevators as well as judges elevators and fire stair shafts could be introduced without disrupting the exterior facades or the interior major circulation spaces. Prisoners are delivered at a sub-street level to avoid conflict with public movements.

Federal Building & Courthouse Expansion/Renovation, Erie, New York
Erie, New York
The challenge presented in this project was to combine an historically significant but functionally obsolete 1930’s Art-Deco Federal Courthouse with a vacated and historic City Library Building, linking these with new construction that houses needed additional space for court operations and federal office occupancies. Working within budget parameters adopted several years earlier, Moyer Associates Inc. prepared the needs assessment and space program document and collaborated with other design team members to forge a successful solution to a very difficult problem. In 2004, this project was selected by the GSA as the outstanding historic preservation project in the United States.

Erie County Correctional Center
Alden, New York
Moyer Associates conducted all pre-design programming for this new 400 bed correctional facility, followed by the preparation of Schematic Design, Design Development and Security Systems plans and details.
Nationally recognized as an outstanding example of Direct Supervision management, the completed facility has received national citation for Design Excellence. The design concept centers around the information resource core which receives services from the Erie County Library System.
Prisoner services are decentralized to minimize escort and staffing requirements. As a result, the facility is economical in its construction costs and is economical in its operational budget requirements.

Moultrie County Jail and Sheriff's Headquarters
Sullivan, Illinois
Moyer Associates Inc. has worked with a local Architect and a client selected Project Manager to establish the Facility Program, Schematic Design, Security Systems and Equipment and preparation of complete Construction Documents for this Law Enforcement Administration and Jail facility.
The design incorporates modular cell construction and is developed to provide maximum staffing efficiency within a very compact floor plan design. Bi-weekly meetings of the project team, supplemented by other special topic meetings with client representatives have kept the project on its target for schedule and budget.
The site masterplan and building design provide for the future addition of a new District Court Facility at this location. Prisoner flow to and from court, without the need for vehicular transfer, has been incorporated into the planning.

Outagamie County Justice Center
Appleton, Wisconsin
Moyer Associates developed the program for this new facility, as well as the schematic design and design development documents followed by security equipment and security construction documentation for bidding in collaboration with a former student of Fred Moyer's. The project includes 450 jail beds, Sheriff’s Department offices, ten new Courtrooms with chambers and related Court Clerk, District Attorney and other County functions. The scope was expanded to a $22 million project, with a completed fifth floor for future jail expansion.
The County has completely paid for the new facility through revenues realized in the rental to other jurisdictions of the additional jail space constructed. This was accomplished within a five year period, with revenues continuing to accrue thereafter.

Law Enforcement and Detention Facility
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Moyer Associates developed the needs assessment for this new facility, followed by architectural design services. The new facility is located adjacent to an industrial park on the outskirts of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. This context suggested the use of a corrugated aluminum exterior skin, providing both a "high tech" image for law enforcement functions and a fit with the character of other buildings in the area.
Prisoner areas were developed for staff-efficient supervision and easy future expansion. Construction bids were received well within the project budget, allowing certain expansion components to be acted upon ahead of schedule.

Intake Service Center
Honolulu, Hawaii
This project in Honolulu is one of five that Moyer Associates programmed and designed in Hawaii. After completing the statewide plan for needed facilities, the Consultant was asked to develop the facility programs and design concepts called for under that plan for each of the five Hawaiian islands. The Oahu facility is the largest, since that island has the greatest concentration of the State’s population. The design seeks to be sympathetic to the indigenous architecture of Hawaii. Its forms recall the architecture of its surroundings, as does its scale. The connected "pavilions" are integrated into a security concept that achieves zoning of the various operational sectors and allows effective control of movements. State-of-the- art security concepts are incorporated throughout.

Law Enforcement Center Expansion
Bay City, Michigan
This facility houses both the Bay City Police Department and Bay County Sheriff's Department, as well as the Bay County Correctional Facility. Moyer Associates was initially retained to evaluate various deficiencies of the existing complex, known as the Law Enforcement Center. These ranged from extensive waterproofing problems to serious security equipment and construction deficiencies. Prisoner escapes, as well as continuing evidence of facility deterioration, were routine. Moyer Associates prepared a schedule of needed remedies to introduce security and stabilize the weather induced deterioration.
This was followed by an expansion plan to accommodate current needs. Both the existing building and new addition are clad in an energy efficient new weather skin, backed up by a new security envelope, which also brings a unified appearance to the entire complex.

Cullman County Juvenile and Adult Detention
Cullman, Alabama
The Chairman of the Cullman County Board of Supervisors set the direction for this project with the mandate to the design team to develop a project that was economical to build and efficient to operate. Moyer Associates Incorporated had previously designed a County jail in Sheboygan, Wisconsin which was particularly successful in both of these areas. The County representatives and design team visited Sheboygan for a firsthand inspection and discussion with the Sheriff's Department staff who shared in its design and who are now responsible for its operation. It was decided to use many of the Sheboygan principles for this new facility in northern Alabama. In this case, modular jail cells surround a central Control station bringing great staffing efficiency.
Support functions surround the prisoner housing, providing a visual buffer and barrier between its surroundings. A Juvenile Detention component has sight and sound separation from adults but is served by the central laundry and kitchen. Future expansion includes provisions for the Sheriff's Department Administration and a co-located Cullman Police Department facility.

City Police, County Sheriff & Jail - Combined Justice Building
Bloomington, Indiana
This project involved the functional and space programming for the City of Bloomington Police Department and Monroe County Sheriff's Department. It also included analysis of Jail needs and all court and court-related offices in Monroe County, as well as all government offices. The project context included an historic and exquisite existing Courthouse structure situated in the middle of a civic square in downtown Bloomington. As with most historic court facilities, the passage of time and the emergence of new needs had caused it to become inadequate to meet all of the important needs of its occupants. Many of these concerned violations of life safety codes and disabled accessibility, while others concerned space inadequacies.

Following programming and masterplanning, Moyer provided design services for the new facility which houses the Bloomington Police Department, Sheriff's Department, Jail, and Circuit Court.

Robert H. Babcox Justice Center
Lake Co., Waukegan, Illinois
Constructed within the context of a Government Facilities Masterplan developed by Moyer Associates, this new seven-level, 249,000 square-foot building combines courts, law enforcement, and public safety services in the center of this downtown county seat. This project included jury assembly functions, arraignment court and a state-of-the-art high security courtroom for exceptionally sensitive proceedings. Satellite offices are provided for District Attorney, Public Defender, Court Clerk and other support functions.
Following Masterplanning and Programming services provided as prime Consultant, Moyer Associates worked in association with a local architectural firm to provide design services through all subsequent project phases through completion of construction and transition to occupancy.

Government and Justice Center Masterplan
Boone County, Illinois
In response to a critical shortage of prisoner detention space, Moyer Associates was initially engaged to analyze Jail bedspace needs, existing facility deficiencies and the potential for the needs in this area to be met by a program of renovation and expansion. The scope of the analysis evolved to embrace the entire Government and Justice facilities context in which the Jail and existing Public Safety Building comprises one component. Existing circulation patterns were evaluated and modified as a part of the overall Masterplan. Also, in order that day-to-day operations are not disrupted during the implementation period, an expansion strategy was developed which permits the unimpeded access by the Contractor to construction zones while maintaining easy and normalized public access to all functions during all implementation phases.
The operational components involved include the District Court, Sheriff's Department, Jail, County Administration, City of Belvidere Administration and Belvidere Police Department.

Prototype Correctional Facilities
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
In association with a Saudi-based architectural/engineering firm, Moyer Associates developed the functional and space program as well as concept designs for correctional facilities throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Moyer's work has included all phases of architectural/engineering services. This has included review and adjustment of the project program, preparation of alternative Site Masterplan concepts. Work scope has also included housing unit design, recommendations for security systems, assistance in cost estimating and technical assistance in developing the operational and staffing plan. The accompanying illustrations represent preliminary study of options. Final facility plans are restricted information and cannot be shown here.

Holt Correctional Facility Expansion
Martin County, Stuart, Florida
Completed in 2007, Moyer Associates Inc. worked with a local Architect to establish the Facility Requirements, Program, Schematic Design, Security Systems and Equipment for this 144 bed Jail facility expansion. The design incorporates modular pre-cast concrete component construction and is developed to provide maximum staffing efficiency in its planning and design features. This includes Direct Supervision housing unit management, with each staffing position supervising 72 prisoners. The staff station has direct observation of all sleeping, dayroom, outdoor exercise and activity areas.
The scope of the professional services provided in this project also included the assessment of deficiencies in the existing facility security systems and their correction. The project was completed on time and within the established budget.

Immigration & Naturalization Service - 300 bed Detention
Miami, Florida
This project involves the design and construction of a 300 bed, stand alone, expansion component at the Krome Institution operated by INS west of Miami, Florida. Included within the new facility is an EOIR Immigration court facility, with related court support. Due to highly unsatisfactory existing site soils conditions, involving Everglades "muck", the design prepared by Moyer Associates features a compact organization of the institutional components. The facility design incorporates the "Direct Supervision" prisoner management concept.

Etawah County Jail
Gadsden, Alabama
This project was developed in response to a seriously outdated existing Jail condition which was found to have no cost-effective possibility for renovation or expansion. Moyer Associates prepared the population analysis, Facility Program, and Schematic Design concept. The new facility incorporates Direct Supervision management, the first jail in Alabama to do so. Local officials traveled to other Moyer projects prior to their decision to adopt this direction.
Transition planning and staff training was coordinated with the design and construction sequence for a smooth implementation into occupancy. The new Etawah County Jail was cited for Design Excellence in 1993 by the American Institute of Architects, Committee on Architecture for Justice.

New Correctional Facility -Turkey Creek
Jefferson County, Birmingham, Alabama
Working in collaboration with a local architectural firm, Moyer Associates developed an assessment of existing detention facilities, a projection of future populations under alternative policy scenarios, and a functional and operational program for needed bedspace. Subsequently, architectural/engineering services were authorized for the design of a new 1,200 bed facility. The design allows for future expansion to a capacity of 3,600 beds. All custody classifications are included, with the predominance of medium security. The facility design makes extensive use of modular pre-cast housing units.

Correctional Facility Master Plan Shelby County, Alabama
for the Planning and Design of Community Correctional Centers for Adults
In response to overcrowded existing facility conditions, Moyer Associates Inc. was retained with a locally-based architectural firm to analyze facility options. Illustrated here is just one of six facility plans that were developed. Each explores the potential offered by a specific tract of County-owned land, and relates the proposed new construction to an existing Juvenile Detention facility on the property. The Master Plan also developed the siting of a proposed new Work Release Center, which has since been constructed in accordance with the plan. The adult correctional facility anticipates an initial capacity of 320 beds, with an expansion capability of a capacity of 600.

Adult Work Release, Juvenile Detention & Probate Court Facility
Grand Haven Michigan
This project combined both adult and juvenile corrections components, while maintaining their total separation and providing separate entrances to each. New facilities include a 140 bed Adult Work Release Facility, Probate Court including Courtrooms, Hearing Room, Judges Chambers and Conferencing, and Juvenile Court Services Administrative Offices serving this jurisdiction in western Michigan. An adjoining 32 bed Juvenile Detention Center, with expansion capability, is a part of the project scope, as well. Moyer Associates was responsible for Programming, Schematic Design, Design Development and Security Systems documentation working in association with a locally-based architectural firm.
Essentially composed of three separate components, Juvenile, Probate Court, and Adult Minimum Security, economies were achieved through the use of shared support facilities such as Mechanical, Staff areas, Laundry and Food Preparation.

Jefferson County Correctional Facility
Birmingham, Alabama
Moyer Associates was brought into this project when it was discovered that it was $12 million over budget and 4 months off schedule. As the new Criminal Justice Consultant for this project, Moyer worked with the local architect to revise the project planning to introduce efficiency in operations, staffing requirements and a reduction in construction cost. The original construction budget was achieved after Moyer's involvement. Featuring 620 secure beds on a downtown Birmingham site, the project was successfully bid and constructed.

Public Safety Building
Webster County, Fort Dodge, Iowa
Located adjacent to an historic but dysfunctional Courthouse in the center of town, this facility was designed to accommodate the relocation of judicial system functions out of the old Courthouse, allowing it to be converted to administrative uses. The new facility integrates the justice components in one location and brings efficiency to their operation. It addresses the unique problems accompanying the servicing of the smaller and more rural locations, particularly the need for staffing efficiency.

Jail Expansion
St Lucie County, Fort Pierce, Florida
The scope of this project included the expansion of maximum, medium and minimum security bedspace as well as the addition of medical support, administration and other core space to an existing County Correctional Facility. Although recently built, rapid population growth had found the existing facility overcrowded and undersized in its ability to accommodate current operations. The design scheme provided for all improvements to be staged and accomplished while the facility remained in full operation. As a part of the scope, also, deficiencies in the original installation of security door control systems were corrected and an integrated operating system provided for the original and expanded facility.

New Justice Center
Washington County, Pennsylvania
Located in downtown Washington, Pennsylvania, this new complex has been programmed and designed to relate to the historic and more recently constructed buildings that make up the fabric of the downtown business and governmental core district. Given the constraints of available site dimensions, it is a high-rise design. However, it incorporates state-of-the-art concepts for minimizing the negative consequences of multistory correctional facility operations and attains the economies which are possible in this configuration. Prisoner services are decentralized, including Outdoor Exercise and Visiting, allowing a reduced requirement for prisoner movement and attaining a significant reduction in staffing required.
This, in turn, produces economy in operational costs which will accrue to the County for many years to come.

Anoka County Correctional Facility
Anoka, Minnesota
Located in downtown Anoka, this new facility is connected to the existing Courthouse and County Government Center by a new skyway bridge. The skyway is a “dual” connector, having both a prisoner and public side with totally separated movements. The public is afforded access to a new 700 car parking garage which was also masterplanned and constructed as a part of the project. This latter requirement dictated a concise jail footprint, conserving as much of the site as possible and keeping travel distances to the Government Center to a minimum. The new jail facility provides 148 beds. The entire project was constructed on time and within budget.

Jail Expansion/Renovation
Cumberland County, New Jersey
Moyer Associates’ assignment was to develop a 100 bed addition to the existing jail and provide connection and renovation that would allow certain existing areas, such as the Kitchen and Laundry, to serve the new addition. It was also necessary to remedy some serious existing security deficiencies, particularly in prisoner processing and booking. This project was particularly challenging in presenting a jail, courthouse, and government office complex that had been developed in a very piecemeal and haphazard fashion over many, many decades. It was obsolete in virtually every area of consideration. All of these objectives were accomplished. The project was bid under the budget and it was completed on time.

Jefferson County Jail Needs Assessment
Birmingham, Alabama
Moyer Associates Inc. developed an assessment of jail bedspace needs for this major urban county in Alabama. Included were existing facilities in downtown Birmingham and Bessemer, Alabama. Both adult and juvenile facility needs were analyzed. Existing facilities, operating at approximately twice their design capacity, were studied to make the most of the capital investment which has been made in them. This is tied to the profiling of the jail population and the development of prisoner classifications and the corresponding number of beds needed by type and security level. Moyer Associates also prepared a phasing plan which allows the most pressing needs to be addressed first while ongoing day-to-day operations to continue without interruption during expansion implementation. The total plan provides for 3,500 new beds.

Dickerson Detention Facility
Wayne County, Michigan
Moyer Associates was retained by Wayne County to develop the Functional and Space Program for this new 900 bed correctional facility, prior to issuing this material as a part of an RFP for Developer’s design-build proposal. Moyer Associates’ contract included responsibility for Schematic Design and Security Systems and Equipment documentation. This work was completed by Moyer Associates and made a part of the project description which was used by the successful Developer team. Groundbreaking occurred on October 5, 1989, consistent with a very aggressive schedule which was met by Moyer Associates and the facility has been completed and occupied.
It features the most advanced developments in Direct Supervision management concepts and requires thirty per cent less staffing than a conventional design would have required. The completed facility has also been the recipient of national awards for Design Excellence from the American Institute of Architects and the American Correctional Association.

Correctional Facilities Prototype
State of California
Working with a Department of Corrections Advisory Committee having representation from every operational area as well as central Administration, Moyer Associates Inc. developed functional and space requirements for a Prototype Facility designated to serve as a model for subsequent correctional facility construction throughout the state. Programming was done for increments of 400 beds, 800 beds, 1200 beds and 1600 beds, together with staffing requirements. Efficiencies attained at different facility scales, both in operations and construction costs, were compared. The work scope included the development of a schematic concept which formed the basis for subsequent facility design in California and which has influenced design in many other states.

Correctional Facility Modernization
South Dakota
The major State Prison complex in this state contained buildings dating from 1871 through 1971. All units were heavily overtaxed, with inmate housing generally occupying the older and more obsolete components and program buildings being of more recent vintage. Our responsibilities were to develop a facility plan which would accommodate anticipated population growth over a twenty year period, respond to current serious deficiencies imposed by facility conditions, and provide decentralized, more manageable prisoner housing as an alternative to the existing Auburn-style tiered construction. The staged improvements involved a budget of $25 million for their first year.

Middlesex County Correctional Facility
North Brunswick, New Jersey
This facility replaced a downtown located facility that was extremely deteriorated. The new 400 bed facility was designed to allow easy expansion as this might become necessary in the future. Construction cost economies were achieved by zoning the security levels of the components to allow differentiated construction types. Under this concept, all inmate housing and regularly occupied inmate space is constructed of reinforced concrete, while support areas are of slab-on-grade and steel frame construction. The facility program and design concept emphasized operational efficiency. Both the American Correctional Association and the American Institute of Architects cited this facility nationally for Design Excellence.

Program of Requirements Seneca Correctional Complex
Montgomery County, Maryland
Moyer Associates was retained by Montgomery County to develop the Functional and Space Program for this new facility. The Program provides housing and support space for a 1600 bed capacity with initial housing construction for 1200. Also, State-mandated deadlines dictated an extremely aggressive project schedule for which was and met by Moyer Associates. The approach to this facility program incorporates the Direct Supervision jail management philosophy, a direction adopted by the County after the consideration and comparison of alternative methods. Consultant responsibilities included assisting the County in their consideration of these issues and informing them of the capital and operating cost impacts that could be expected.

for the Planning and Design of Community Correctional Centers for Adults
While a Professor at the University of Illinois, Fred Moyer served as Project Director for a national research study conducted under the funding support of the U.S. Department of Justice which resulted in the publication, Guidelines for the Planning and Design of Regional and Community Correctional Centers for Adults. It was subsequently published and distributed nationwide by the Justice Department and designated as the "advanced practices" criteria which must be met in any application for federal funding of correctional facility construction.

Monroe County Community Correctional Center
Monroe County, Rochester, New York
This facility was programmed and designed by Moyer Associates to incorporate all required security features for medium and minimum classification prisoner profile, while providing a facility image that would be a good neighbor for the adjoining Monroe County Community College campus. Materials were carefully chosen and security systems were designed to be integral with the design and construction concept so that they would not produce a negative facility image.
The resulting facility blends harmoniously into its setting and provides a contemporary example of Direct Supervision correctional facility design. Prisoner activities and services are decentralized for reduction of prisoner movements and more efficient operations.

Rock County Jail
Janesville, Wisconsin
In this project, Moyer Associates was given responsibility for projecting jail bedspace need in Rock County, developing a related functional and space needs program, and assessing various options for meeting these needs.
Included within the scope of the work was the evaluation of eleven different site options. The option which was selected was to build the needed jail and Sheriff's Department facilities as an addition to an abandoned County-owned Tuberculosis Sanitarium.
A jail facility with 200 beds was designed and constructed. The Sanitarium was converted into a Huber facility (work release) and Law Enforcement Communications Center. The scheme features ample room for future expansion as that may be needed. Jail Standards were met and bids came in well under the budget.

Sheboygan County Detention Center
Sheboygan Wisconsin
Initially involving the design of a work release facility as a satellite to an existing downtown located Jail facility, the program developed to include secure beds as well in response to overcrowding of the main Jail facility. A further design directive from the client included the ability for the new facility to be easily expanded in the future.
The design features exceptional staffing efficiency and operational cost savings. Initial construction includes a service core that can accommodate ultimate build-out to 664 beds.
Further, each phase of future expansion beyond the initial construction can be accomplished without disruption of ongoing operations of the then occupied facility. The design also includes flexibility for administrative decision-making regarding prisoner classifications and housing assignment separations.

Juvenile Corrections Masterplan
State of Alaska
Selected after a national solicitation and consideration for consultant selection, Moyer Associates was retained by the State of Alaska to develop a comprehensive Plan for Juvenile Corrections. This work scope was paralleled by the responsibility, also awarded to Moyer Associates, to prepare an Adult Corrections Masterplan.
Particularly challenging was the need to address the unique circumstances of both a diverse and extremely dispersed rural population, with extraordinary geographic distances involved.
Close involvement was incorporated by representatives of the Native American community, leading to its endorsement of the Plan's recommendations. The Plan was subsequently adopted by the State Legislature, needed authorizing legislation was introduced and passed, and the Plan has been moving smoothly through its implementation phases ever since.

New Juvenile Services Center
Jefferson County, Missouri
The initial scope of work in this project included the review of a previously prepared space program for a 30 bed juvenile detention facility, and its refinement and updating based upon Moyer Associates national experience. This was followed by the feasibility analysis of alternative sites. The site that was selected, already County-owned, presented a very considerable challenge. It had been considered unusable by a previous consultant study. Instead, Moyer developed a design which uses the steeply sloping property to the advantage of the facility operation and its security. Housing pods are grouped along an outdoor activity area and, due to their sitting on the natural grades of the property, are elevated well above any opportunity for exterior approach. This eliminated the cost and negative imagery of a security fence around the property. Instead, a warm and supportive environment is created with a residential feel for the corrections program focus.

Dakota County Juvenile Center
Hastings, Minnesota
The first phase of this project involved the review of Program requirements and the refinement of function and square footage allocations, followed by a masterplanning analysis of siting alternatives. An existing Government Center complex formed the general context for these alternatives, with an array of very distinctive features which needed to be respected.
The solution adopted involves the co-location of a new Juvenile Center with an existing Human Services Building housing Extended Day Treatment juvenile programs. This allows for close interaction between staff involved in both out-client as well as detention programming and supports their continuum of services philosophy.

Also facilitated is the sharing of program space, such as the Gymnasium, Multipurpose and Learning Center components. The detention bedspace capacity is sized at 40 beds initially, with the capability to an additional 40 beds for a total population of 80 beds. Facility design is driven by the desire to have a close staff awareness of resident activities at all times. It features Direct Supervision, backed up by direct line-of-sight observation by Central Control for all major functions.

Juvenile Corrections Masterplan
State of Illinois
This plan deals with the complex issues presented in a state having a major urban population center, as well as having a geographically large and highly dispersed rural population. Interagency cooperation and sharing of information proved to also present a challenging area for the consultant's work. Within this context, and large-scale juvenile system, a comprehensive plan was developed for dealing with juvenile needs and determining their related facility requirements.
The Plan subsequently became the reference base for the preparation of staffing and capital expenditure budget requests to the Legislature in the State of Illinois. It included the evaluation of existing physical plants state-wide, and the determination of their adequacy to meet juvenile corrections needs in the light of advanced practices approaches.

Milwaukee County Children's Court Center Program & Masterplan
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
This project involves the replacement construction of 120 secure Juvenile bedspaces, new Admissions, Visiting and other program support components, as well as construction of eight new Courtrooms with the accompanying expansion and renovation of office space for Judicial support, Clerk of Court, District Attorney, Guardian Ad Litem, Public Defender and other needed spaces.

Programming and design incorporates a rehabilitation philosophy, using Direct Supervision and closely linked classrooms and other program spaces. New housing is normalized, in sharp contrast to the linear style housing which it replaces. This project was successfully bid within an extremely tight schedule and budget requirement and has been successfully occupied. HGA, together with Moyer Associates, delivered all Programming, Masterplanning and Architectural/ Engineering services.

Secure Residential Detention Facility
Ogden, Utah
Evolving out of the state-wide Masterplan for Juvenile Corrections prepared by Moyer Associates, this facility and its two companion facilities made possible the closing of an outdated state institution with a 1200 bed capacity. In its place, three 30 bed facilities provide for the needs of those juveniles requiring facility-based programming.
Each facility is composed of three, ten bed units with expansion capability to a total of four units each. Direct Supervision is utilized as the management style and the advanced practices concepts of normalized environment are incorporated in the design. A residential character is established, not only to promote the program goals within the facility but also to achieve a good neighbor status with the surrounding community.
This project has become a national model, guiding the new juvenile facility development in Colorado and other states.

East Lansing City Hall Expansion
East Lansing, Michigan
This project involved the doubling of the size of the existing City Hall in a $3.9 million project designed to update and expand the Police Department's space while building new City Courts and Council chambers. A unique aspect of the project included keeping day-to-day operations going while remodeling and expanding the building "in place". Numerous existing deficiencies of the Police facility, including serious security problems, space shortages of all kinds and difficulties in receiving the public, were corrected.
As in all renovation and expansion projects, the specific design strategy is highly circumstantial and tied to the unique features of the site and existing building configuration. The principles of cost-effective law enforcement facility design, however, were primary determinants of the design solution. The public is appropriately received, law enforcement operations are screened and separated and prisoner intake, processing and movements are arranged for efficiency in flow and supervision.
The completed building has been cited for Design Excellence by the American Institute of Architects.

Law Enforcement and Judicial Center
Pocatello, Idaho
This project co-locates Police department administration and support, Sheriff's Department administration, County Jail and District Court facilities. Separate identities were attained for each, while capturing operational efficiencies by the adjacencies and movement patterns that were developed. Design was also responsive to the unique features of the site, while allowing ample opportunities for future expansion of any of the components independent of any other.

Police Facility Needs Assessment
Elkton, Maryland
This study began with the inspection and documentation of conditions at the existing facility occupied by the Elkton Police Department. A close dialog and participation in the information gathering was maintained by the Consultant and Police Department personnel. Current levels of activities were observed together with the extent to which the facility is capable of supporting these activities. The process involved meeting with Police personnel in identifying key issues, and the distribution of a Survey Questionnaire for each operational area eliciting information on functions and activities requiring facility support. Analysis of the survey information, together with facility inspections and the application of mandated and recommended space standards for the functions involved, resulted in the development of a Space Program. Next, recommendations for achieving the needed facility conditions were prepared, including a preliminary schematic diagram showing functional adjacencies, patterns of access and movement between components. Also, study models were prepared as a part of the work, with the preliminary analysis of siting potentials.

Prototype Police Facilities
Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior
Retained as the Police Facilities Consultant by the Zuhair Fayez Partnership, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, Moyer Associates has assisted in the finalization of the facility program, conceptual approach, and design response for a massive building program initiated by the Ministry of Interior.
Moyer's role has been to convey information concerning police and detention facility planning and design guidelines concepts, including the work done under Fred Moyer's direction for the U.S. Department of Justice and its applications in the United States, as well as communicating international developments in the field growing out of Moyer's work with the United Nations.
Now in the design stages, security technologies are being integrated into the emerging design directions for the various building prototypes.

Skokie Police Facility
Skokie, Illinois
This project involved the complete interior and exterior renovation and expansion of the existing Police headquarters. It allowed the City to retain its prominent site location and update the Police Department's image while totally reworking the interior of the facility to attain an efficient and modern law enforcement operation.
Moyer Associates worked closely with the Police administration staff to develop a facility that would be responsive to local need and which would provide effective support to law enforcement operations for many years into the future. Renovation work responded to the need for energy conservation and maximizing the usefulness of existing space utilization.
The design concept includes a complete reorientation of building circulation, a new public entrance, separation of prisoner intake, a new secure sallyport and the integration of a new addition with the existing facility.
The project has been cited for Design Excellence and published nationally as an example of accomplishment in renovation.

Urbana Police and City Hall Expansion
Urbana, Illinois
The first phase of this project has involved the development of a Functional and Space program for the Urbana Police Department, as well as all other City offices. Also included has been an operational assess-ment, an inventory of current space provisions and the projection of future needs.
Working in close collaboration with the Police administration and City staff, a four options were developed which met the identified functional requirements and also addressed needed Americans With Disabilities Act and code deficiencies. This options were costed and ranked according to their ability to deliver needed remedies. As a part of the programming and schematic design work, an overall Study Model was prepared with removable floor levels and coded building circulation. The project has been successfully bid within the available budget and has entered construction.

Westmont Police Facility
Westmont, Illinois
This project involves the Programming, Site Feasibility Analysis and Design for a New Police Facility and Fire Station for a smaller jurisdiction on the outskirts of Chicago.
Included is the study of co-location for certain Fire Department functions and the potential for shared resources. All programming was completed and preliminary architectural design prepared. The project is now in construction.

City Hall & Police Facility
City of Concord, North Carolina
Moyer Associates Inc. developed a comprehensive Facility Needs Assessment for the Concord Police Department, recognizing its community policing operations philosophy and carrying this into its projected staffing and facility requirements. Masterplan options included the evaluation of the existing Police building and its renovation/expansion potentials, as well as the assessment of a downtown located new construction option.
New construction was found to be more economical and operationally more efficient. Pre-design services were followed by Moyer Associates preparation of Schematic Design, followed by security equipment and systems design and full architectural services.

New Police Facility
Holland, Michigan
This new two-level facility houses the Holland Police Department headquarters with all related support components, and a prisoner processing and holding facility that serves both the Holland Police Department and the connected Ottawa County District Court. The project scope included functional and space programming for all component activities and operating units, followed by the development of alternative strategies for reuse and expansion of existing Police Department space. The exploration of masterplan options found that new construction was more economical than recycling of existing space.
Programming and design services were provided by Moyer Associates in association with a local architectural firm. The completed project has been featured as a cover story in the Police Chief magazine, published and distributed nationally and internationally by The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).

New District Police Facility
Mesa, Arizona
Currently, under construction, the new Dobson District Police Facility in Mesa, Arizona, replaces a functionally obsolete existing facility was unsafe, overcrowded, and non-code conforming. In collaboration with City and Police Department personnel, Moyer Associates Inc. prepared a detailed analysis of functional and space needs for both current and projected scenarios. Following site selection, design work was undertaken, exploring several different options for meeting police operations requirements while maintaining sensitivity to community development plans and the immediate site context.
Throughout the process, budget conformance was maintained by the consultant team and the project was able to move directly into bidding and construction. Materials and forms are selected to relate to climate and contextual features, with all interior colors and materials developed by Moyer Associates Inc. to meet the special requirements of law enforcement operations.

New Police Facility
City of Auburn Hills, Michigan
The Moyer Associates team was selected by the City of Auburn Hills, Michigan to design its new police facility as a part of a new Public Safety Building complex. With the city facing enormous increase in its policing activity both currently and through the years ahead, the project presents some very important challenges. Although the resident population size is relatively stable, Auburn Hills is the focus of enormous influx of citizens from the surrounding area. In addition to the major Chrysler manufacturing plant within its city limits, it also has the Silverdome and Detroit Lions football games and other major entertainment events. Further, a new 240 store shopping mall has now opened. Consequently, daily influxes in population can be many times the resident population, bringing with it an unusual volume of calls for police services.
New facility planning allows for flexibility and the ability to respond to rapidly evolving changes in needs. The site for the new facility is the environmentally rich natural setting of the existing Municipal Complex. The facility design respects the materials and forms of this complex and integrates the new design into the existing context.

Police Facility Expansion/Renovation
Roselle, Illinois
Moyer Associates Inc. worked with the Village of Roselle to establish a comprehensive statement of Police Facility Needs on a current and projected basis, followed by the development of Master Plan options comparing different alternatives for meeting these needs. The most functional and cost-effective option was found to be an expansion of the existing 20 year old facility, while maintaining Police occupancy during construction. The design concept prepared by Moyer allowed for phased implementation and renovation, so that there were no disruptions in access by the public and the delivery of Police services in the community during implementation. Following work included Moyer’s design of the building floor plans, exterior appearance, and Police specialty requirements. The completed facility was dedicated in October, 2005.

Police Facility Renovation/Expansion
Champaign, Illinois
This project involved the evaluation of a Police Facility that had become extremely overcrowded only twelve years after its construction completion. Included in the scope was the development of a functional and operational program, a space needs assessment, and a strategy for renovating and expanding the existing facility while maintaining its occupancy. Various alternative solutions were developed and compared, considering operational efficiency, implementation phasing requirements and construction costs. Future expansion capability was also an important evaluation criterion.
City Council approval of the recommended concept and its budget of $10 million was followed by the delivery of full architectural services. The completion of new construction and renovation was accomplished on time and $1 million under budget.

Police Headquarters and 911 Emergency Communications Center
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Moyer Associates was responsible for Space Programming, Schematic Design and Security Systems equipment and construction for this project which houses the Grand Rapids Police Department and its 911 Emergency Communications Center. This included the feasibility analysis of converting an abandoned five story department store in downtown Grand Rapids into a modern and functional facility to support law enforcement operations. All components, including the Emergency Communications Center, were planned and designed to allow for projected future growth in activity volume and personnel workstations. In addition, the Community Policing operational strategy embraced by the Grand Rapids Police Department was brought into the facility design.
As example, the Emergency Communications Center allows school children or other public groups to be escorted to a viewing area that is elevated and outside the Communications Center security envelope. Other than on this escorted basis, however, no public access to the floor which houses the Emergency Communications Center is possible.

Wyoming Police Facility
Wyoming, Michigan
This municipality, located in the Grand Rapids metropolitan area, has seen steady community growth over the past twenty years. Its Police Justice Building became seriously overtaxed during this same period of time, resulting in a situation where it provides less than half the currently space. Moyer Associates work included functional and operational programming, space needs analysis, existing facility evaluation, master plan options development followed by schematic design and security planning and design.
The adopted design preserves the park like wooded character of the site, integrating the building and parking into the natural landscape forms. A curved reflecting glass facade mirrors the wooded site context while screening law enforcement operations areas.

Rockford Public Safety Building
Rockford, Illinois
Moyer Associates was selected by the City of Rockford for the Needs Assessment, Facility Masterplan, and Schematic Design Analysis for its Police Department Headquarters. Located within the same facility are other City departments and administrative offices, as well as Winnebago County government offices and the Winnebago County Sheriffs Department. Specialized knowledge of law enforcement operations and their facility support requirements was a principal criterion in Moyer Associates selection. The Police Department has a total force of 317 persons.

New Police Facility and City Hall Renovation
Bourbonnais, Illinois
This project involved an initial phase that included the assessment of functional and operational needs of the Bourbonnais Police Department, translating these into their building area and facility requirements. Space needs were considered on both a current and projected basis. This product formed the basis for a successful referendum which authorized project funding. Moyer Associates was then contracted as prime Architect for the delivery of complete design, construction documents, bidding, and construction administration services. The design achieves a new public lobby for the entire municipal complex, as well as a large community room and training room within a previous fire apparatus space. The new expansion for police department use is integrally connected to the existing facility and unified with a new metal fascia that encompasses the complete facility, both its new addition and existing components.

Omaha Police Department Headquarters
Omaha, Nebraska
The existing Omaha Police Department Headquarters Building, over 40 years old, was found to have serious physical and functional obsolescence issues including the extensive presence of asbestos. Operational problems included the lack of separation of public and police internal circulations and the lack of appropriate security zoning. Also documented were the lack of support for police operations, involving inadequate work areas, lack of interview spaces, lack of conferencing space, lack of equipment and materials storage, and other deficiencies interfering with the delivery of public safety services.
Moyer Associate Inc. developed three solution options, two of which did not require temporary relocation of the police department during construction/renovation and the costs and disruption of services that would go with that. The recommended scheme is significantly less costly than the closest equivalent option in an earlier masterplan study. The recommended scheme also retains and builds upon recent improvements and renovations implemented in portions of the building.

New Police Facility-Needs Assessment/Master Plan
Huntersville, NC
Moyer Associates Inc. was selected by the Town of Huntersville, North Carolina, together with local architects to conduct a Facility Needs Assessment analysis and Facility Master Plan for the Huntersville Police Department. Professional services included the administration of survey questionnaires to all Police staff, with follow-up interviews on functional and operational needs. Moyer also conducted a population analysis and staffing projection, followed by detailed facility space programming for current, ten year and twenty year needs. Master Plan activities have included the consideration of alternative sites in relation to community needs and the delivery of needed police services. Moyer also prepared an analysis of site feasibility for four different site options, considering expansion potential, ability to accommodate needed public and police parking.
What They Say...
“You’re a real lifesaver!... Kind, patient, smart and extremely talented... You made the design/construction process much smoother for me...” (re: Anne Moyer Kennett, Director of Design)
“Because of his national role in developing facility standards, he is immediately capable of identifying issues that require response and, because of his exceptional dedication and work ethic, he quickly acts to meet his client’s needs. I have found him to be available at any time, day or night, seven days a week.”
“I enjoyed working with Fred Moyer who always keeps two steps ahead of the incoming technology...”
“The basis for this decision was essentially this....we had never seen greater energy, productivity, intelligence or creativity from any contract group than that which we had experienced from Fred, Edith and their colleagues.”
“Reviewing Mr. Moyer’s credentials you will find, as we did, that he is nationally recognized as an expert and innovator in the planning and design of public safety facilities. Further, we found that Mr. Moyer brings with his years of experience and expertise a unique ability and desire to understand and meet the needs of his client.”
“It is not my practice to provide professional recommendations to firms or individuals. However, in this case I strongly recommend this firm and Mr. Moyer. The end result of our relationship with this team is a police headquarters that meets the needs of my agency now and in the future, as well as a building that met our desire to carefully use public monies.”
“We are greatly impressed with the thoroughness in which the survey was conducted as well as the record time in which you were able to accomplish so much.”
“Throughout our project, Fred Moyer & Associates have spent countless hours “burning the Midnight oil” to meet our various timelines. They have and continue to be a pleasure to do business with.”
“In each case, we found Moyer and Associates to be meticulous data collectors and keen analysts. The rapport established with our staff was exceptional and led to open and frank discussions of near and long-term requirements. The result in each study was a professional and visionary presentation of options available and recommendations for solutions. The studies were completed on time and on budget.”
“From the first contact it was evident that he is an extraordinary professional with the capability of generating large volumes of work with a comparatively small staff... He entered this architectural specialty of criminal justice at the ground level of L.E.A.A., today he is at the pinnacle of this specialty.”
“I would like to point out that I have yet to make a request that was not answered in a prompt, courteous, and very professional manner. We found the on-site visits to be especially productive for our Division.”
“He has vast knowledge and experience in building police facilities. He keeps informed and pays attention to detail. Mr. Moyer is available to our needs and requests, and has handled each one with responsibility. His cost awareness is to stay within our City’s budget plan.”
“Fred and his staff were highly professional, knowledgeable and responsive. They were able to bring the experience gained from consultation on hundreds of facilities to our design and construction process.”
“He demonstrated the ability to translate our operational and program goals into their facility requirements, and then to transform these into an outstanding design concept for a very difficult site.”
“What stood out to me, and the reason that I wholeheartedly endorse Moyer Associates Inc., is two-fold, their work product and the personal attention given to our department by the entire Moyer team. You can be assured that Moyer Associates Inc. will meet and exceed your needs & expectations. The firm’s resume speaks for itself, and I challenge you to find a more respected police facility planning firm anywhere. Moyer Associates Inc. has assisted many agencies travel down the path that you are on, and will provide you a quality job.”
“The services provided by Moyer Associates far exceeded both our contractual and intuitive expectations. They are currently working on successive projects for us and we would not hesitate to recommend them for a wide variety of projects. They are definitely a firm willing to be frank about expectations, but equally ready to offer solutions to overcome challenges.”
“Mr. Moyer by his nature is friendly, courteous, professional and always willing and quite able to answer questions from non-architectural persons like myself with a smile and knowledge based on his practical experience in the area of designing police facilities throughout the United States.”
“I can’t overemphasize how good we feel about the relationship we’ve developed with Moyer Associates. Fred, Inessa, Anne -all have been so supportive and helpful. They are skilled, creative, patient but focused. As we have had questions or ideas,they have been there -by phone, email or in person.”
“When we began the interview process for retaining the services of a design/build team it was very important that we find a firm with a great deal of design experience with a police public safety building. With technology changing ever so swiftly and operating procedures so dependent on the capabilities of a new facility, Mr. Moyer’s vast experience in the police facility field made the selection process much easier.”
“During the entire time I worked with Fred, he demonstrated excellent character, patience, and a strong sense of duty and commitment to our project. I would consider him to be professional, a very responsible person and most worthy of consideration for hire.”
“Fred Moyer and his staff brought vision, creativity, dedication and professionalism to the project team responsible for our project, and assisted the County in a project which fulfilled expectations, while being completed on time and on budget.”
“During weekly meetings, they were always prepared and on task. ...I enjoyed working with this firm”
“For whatever it is worth I can tell you that I did my homework, and through all my research, it kept leading me back to Fred Moyer and Associates and upon working with this company I cannot find one thing wrong with their performance, professionalism, innovative ideas, and most of all their integrity.”
“In our initial phase over two years ago, Fred Moyer and his team did a Needs Assessment. They took the time to interview individual employees, especially the patrol officers, by coming in at different hours of the day and night. Designing a building that met the needs of our Department was critical for Moyer’s team. I feel the finished product is reflective of that vision.”
“May I take the opportunity to convey to you our sincere appreciation for a job well done. We will endeavor to do justice to your efforts by following your ‘blueprints’ in developing a model program.”

Frederic D. Moyer FAIA
Fred has played a pivotal role nationally and internationally in developing contemporary approaches to Justice Facility planning and design. That focus has continued with the delivery of services to individual jurisdictions throughout North America and abroad by Moyer Associates Inc. in professional team associations.